Lunch & Learn: Fast Efficiency Mapping for Control & Cal Lunch & Learn: Fast Efficiency Mapping for Control & Cal | HBM

Lunch & Learn: Fast Efficiency Mapping for Control and Calibration


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Implementing a control scheme for electric motors is a time-consuming task for engineers who need to account for a variety of states and real world conditions. It is important to understand the efficiency of the motor, flux state, and mechanical values for a combination of voltages, battery states, temperatures, and other external variables. Having multiple variables results in a large number of motor characterizations and efficiency maps that need to be taken to understand how the machine operates. This session will investigate why motor calibration can take so long and offer solutions to accelerate a motor calibration with faster measurement techniques.

Contact Our Expert Mitch Marks

If you have any questions concerning Electric Power Testing, we are here to support you.

Mitch Marks is among HBM's many experts in electric machine and drivetrain testing. He is a Business Developer for electrification at HBK - Hottinger, Brüel & Kjær with a Masters in electrical engineering. If you have any questions regarding our products or applications, please get in touch with Mitch.

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