传感器电子数据表 (TEDS) 对标定结果的影响 传感器电子数据表 (TEDS) 对标定结果的影响 | HBM

传感器电子数据表 (TEDS) 对标定结果的影响

国际标准IEEE 1451.4 是传感器电子数据表 (TEDS) 的基础, 传感器的信息如序列号和额定灵敏度存储在传感器的芯片中. 对于桥式传感器,HBM 专利技术的在读取6线制连接传感器时无需额外接线.

此文章描述了 TEDS  对测量结果的影响. 采用 TEDS 在测量放大器和标定单元之间的电压比标定 采用不同的载波频率. 

用带有 TEDS 芯片的力传感器进行技术验证,如温度对额定灵敏度的影响. 另外通过检查力和电压比标定的线性误差.

With force calibration according to ISO 376 a 3rd degree polynomial equation is calculated from the calibration results. With a new kind of amplifier it is possible to store the coefficients of this polynomial equation and make an online calculation. The results of the measurements when using TEDS to store the coefficients and read into the amplifier are presented.

Presentation for the XVIII IMEKO WORLD CONGRESS 2006 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.