Somat Test Control Environment (TCE)
What makes Somat TCE software different from other test control and setup software?
Using TCE you can:
- Create test setup files that define and calibrate transducer channels
- Define DataModes™ and computed channels for online data calculations and analysis
- Perform and manage calibrations for input transducers
- Specify triggering conditions for the collection of test data
- Initialize, run and end tests on a single eDAQ or a network of eDAQs
- Configure the option to remotely control test runs
- View real-time test data with integrated run-time displays
- Check test and memory status during data acquisition
- Upload test data from the eDAQ to the support PC for analysis and post-processing
System Requirements
- 40 MB of available hard disk space
- CD-ROM drive or Internet access (required for updating and installing software)
- 16 MB of RAM (32 MB recommended)
- Mouse or other pointing device
- Microsoft Windows®
- An Ethernet card installed