Spectris Code of Business Ethics
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All HBM employees are expected to uphold the values of honesty and integrity in all their activities. The ethical standards to be met are set out by our holding company in the Spectris plc Code of Business Ethics that have been integrated in and amended by the Corporate Values and Principles of the HBM group.
The Spectris plc Code of Business Ethics includes the basic principles oriented to international standards and conventions and to be adhered to by all employees of the group - including HBM. A comprehensive training program for all employees and regular refresher trainings shall help to ensure that we follow those principals, act ethically correct and uphold our values when making decisions.
... are the values that determine our activities as a company.
As an international company group spread over the globe it’s a particular obligation to advocate for consistent standards. Hence the stipulations of Spectris plc and our Corporate Values and Principles naturally also cover requirements regarding
In addition the elements of Corporate Social Responsibility are integrated in our extensive system of principals, regulations and standards that we are practising since many years.
A printed copy of the Code of Business Ethics can be sent to you on demand.
HBM is also committed to Human Rights and decent working conditions in its supply chain. An audit programme based on SA8000 is applied to all significant suppliers located in lower cost manufacturing areas in order to provide assurance in this respect. Further details can be found in the annual report of our parent company, Spectris plc.
Acting with absolute integrity in all that we do and being prepared to take personal responsibility.
Meeting the best-in-class claim for permanent reliability.
Being loyal to employees, share holders, business partners, and the community.
"Always being one step ahead", in our field of competence and related to what is expected from us.