Advantages of a distributable and robust DAQ-System for the development of vehicles Advantages of a distributable and robust DAQ-System for the development of vehicles | HBM

Webinar: Advantages of a Distributable and Robust DAQ System for the Development of Vehicles

This webinar was held on:

 June 15, 2016      3 p.m., CET (Berlin)     


For the testing and inspection of vehicles, mobile data acquisition is certainly the hardest and most interesting of all challenges. The special requirements of mobile tests also apply to measurement technology. The technology used in the field should be very robust. For testing of large construction and agricultural vehicles, it may also be advantageous to use a distributable system. The measurement amplifier can be positioned close to the measuring point and so the signal quality will be significantly improved. In our webinar, we will show you the technical possibilities by explaining the example of a crane and a harvester.


Finn Lange

Product manager for ultra-rugged data acquisition systems


[email protected] 


Advantages of a Distributable and Robust Data Acquisition System for the Development of Vehicles