T40MAR certified transducer for determining the load signal T40MAR certified transducer for determining the load signal | HBM

T40MAR Certified Transducer For Determining the Load Signal

The high-precision T40MAR torque transducer acquires the load signal from ship engines, thereby making it possible to control them better. The load signal is determined by measuring torque and speed in the drive train.

The end result: Significant fuel savings and compliance with international directives (MARPOL, etc.).

  • HBM accuracy class: 0.15
  • Marine-certified product

Precise and reliable

  • Direct torque measurements up to 400 kN·m
  • Very high accuracy
  • Fast control and regulation ensure very low signal delay
  • Non-contacting transmission of measurement signals, 100% maintenance-free
  • Parameterization: Parameters are preserved even through a power failure
  • Long service life

You can determine a highly precise load signal as the most important control systems element for achieving optimum operating conditions in the ship engine.

Rugged, failsafe, efficient

  • Extremely rigid sensor design for high vibration resistance during operation
  • Easy to install and expand
  • Ensures significant fuel savings
  • Complete package including expandable analog and digital signal outputs

Safe and certified use for reliable operation on ships


  • Official certification for use on ships (including MP60 transducer electronics):
    • DNV-GL
    • ABS
    • BV
    • KR
    • CCS
    • RINA
    • Ice Class BV1A
  • Customer-specific designs available

Safe and certified use for reliable operation on ships

Certified to International Marine Standards

The T40MAR torque transducer combined with the MP60 measurement electronics, has been certified for use in marine applications by