Data Acquisition Videos & Webinars
On this page, you can find our collection of videos, webinars and tutorials on various topics of data acquisition.
Remote and mobile measurements with HBM Somat eDAQ
Connect to your data acquisition system from virtually anywhere - with Somat eDAQ from HBM. We put that to the test - by doing acceleration measurements, including over 100 channels of CANbus data, time-synchronized video, ambient thermocouple for cabin temperature, as well as GPS.
Experimental Stress Analysis with QuantumX MX1615
Do you take measurements using strain gauges? If so, opt for QuantumX MX1615 from HBM. The powerful amplifier for experimental stress analysis. It offers high temperature stability and precision, ease of use - and extreme compactness. Our video shows several experiments illustrating why MX1615 is the ideal solution for measurements using strain gauges.
Data Acquisition Webinars
See our upcoming webinars for tips & tricks on data acquisition: