MP85A FASTpress - 프레스핏 및 조립 공정 모니터링 MP85A FASTpress - 프레스핏 및 조립 공정 모니터링 | HBM

MP85A 프로세스 컨트롤러: 프레스·접합 공정 전수평가 후 즉시 합격, 불합격 판정

MP85A FASTpress 모니터링 시스템은 리벳팅, 펀칭, 프레스피팅 등 프레스·접합 공정의 신호들을 분당 최대 300사이클의 속도로 수신합니다. 즉 매우 높은 속도와 24비트의 분해능을 자랑합니다. 생산 모니터링과 최종 생산 시험에 매우 적합한 산업용 신호 컨디셔너입니다.

MP85A FASTpress는 실시간으로 각종 문제를 파악하고, 운전 중에 공구 마모를 감지합니다. 허용오차 대역이나 필요한 대로 설정 가능한 허용오차 창을 최대 9개까지 사용하는 평가 방법을 적용하기 때문입니다.

3단계 FASTpress 스위트 소프트웨어는 PME Assisstant 시각화·프로그래밍 툴을 포함하므로 다양한 용도로 사용하기에 적합합니다. 또한 MP85A FASTpress는 각종 스위치 소자들의 햅틱 시험에 쓸 수 있도록 스위치 버전으로도 제공됩니다.

  • HBM 정확도 등급: 0.1
  • 피팅 사이클: 분당 최대 300개
  • 장치 인터페이스: 디지털 입출력 및 필드버스, CANopen, Profibus DPV1, Profinet RT

완벽한 평가

  • 2채널 평가(y/x, y/t)방법을 사용하여 두 개의 측정량을 병렬 수집
  • 개별적으로 조절 가능한 평가 방법
  • 개별적으로 조절 가능한 평가 방법
  • 스마트한 실시간 데이터 축소 
  • 최대 1,000개의 매개변수 세트를 저장 가능

오류 평가와 함께 예방 유지보수용 직접적 실시간 평가 가능.

우수한 정밀도와 견고함

  • 24비트의 높은 분해능, 작은 부분 부하 범위에서도 매우 높은 정밀도 보장
  • 가혹한 환경에서 우수한 EMC 특성 제공
  • TEDS 모듈과 신속한 통합 가능
  • 하프·풀 브릿지 스트레인 게이지에 쓰일 두 개의 보급형 입력부, 카운터, SSI 로터리 엔코더 장착. 소프트웨어로 설정 가능

높은 분해능과 간섭에 대한 내성을 갖추어 높은 정밀도의 측정값 제공.

최적화된 소프트웨어 패키지

  • 산업용 3단계 시스템과 우수한 유연성을 갖춘 소프트웨어 패키지
  • 무료 PME 어시스턴트를 이용한 매개변수화
  • 개별 용도에 따라 플러그인 조절 가능
  • 이더넷이나 내부 메모리 카드를 이용하여 합부 판정 공정 데이터를 다양한 포맷(ASCII, Q-DAS, IPM)으로 저장

3단계 시스템 구조로 개별 설정이 가능하고, 다양한 용도에 적합한 완벽한 소프트웨어 솔루션

Tutorial on using the MP85A process controller


The MP85A FASTpress features

Interview with Michael Guckes from HBM about MP85A FASTpress, recorded on the MOTEK 2011 trade show.

다양한 버전으로 제공

  • 프레스 피트 제어용 MP85A FASTpress
  • 스위치 시험용 MP85A EasySwitch 
  • ePlan Macros 이용가능
  • 고객 요청 시 단말기 디스플레이

FASTpress Suite Software

MP85A CAD Step Files

제품 CAD 파일 다운로드
MP85A FASTpress CAD step 파일

MP85A FASTpress 관련 자료 다운로드

제목 / 설명언어
데이터 시트
MP85A / MP85ADP FASTpress - Caractéristiques techniques French
MP85A / MP85ADP FASTpress - Data Sheet English
MP85A / MP85ADP FASTpress - Datenblatt German
MP85A FASTpress - Brochure French
MP85A FASTpress - Brochure English
MP85A FASTpress - Broschüre German
사용 메뉴얼
MP85A - Aide sur French
MP85A - Description d'interface French
MP85A - Operating manual English, German
MP85A - Program Help English
MP85A - Programmhilfe German
MP85A, MP85ADP, MP85A-S, MP85ADP-S - Manuel d'emploi French
빠른 실행 가이드
MP85A FASTpress PME Assistant - Guida breve Italian
MP85A(DP) FASTpress / MP85A(DP)-S EASYswitch - Quick Start Guide English, German
GK7000 / GK7600 - Caractéristiques techniques French
GK7000 / GK7600 - Data Sheet English
GK7000 / GK7600 - Datenblatt German
GK7000 / GK7600 - Operation Manual English, German, French
P-S1503P 15" Panel PC - Data Sheet English
P-S1503P 15" Panel PC - Datenblatt German
안전 수칙
MP85A - Avvertenze di sicurezza Italian
MP85A - Safety Instructions French, English, German
Declaration of Conformity
1-KAB, K-KAB (cable) - EU Declaration of Conformity 다국어
MP85A / MP85ADP - EU Declaration of Conformity 다국어
Device Descriptions
PME EDS files

EDS files for PME (MP01, MP30, MP55, MP60, MP85).

Date: 11/2011  |  Version: 1.01  |  Size: 33 KB

MP85A(DP)-S Firmware Switch and Haptic Testing

This firmware includes function and features for Switch- and Haptic-Test of mechanical and electrical components, like doors, flaps but also electrical switches. It can be uploaded with the PME-Updater into each standard MP85A(DP) and appears after the update as MP85A(DP)-S.

Detailed explanation of the switch-test functions are in the MP85A manual and interface-description. For PLC integration standard MP85A Device-Description-Files can be used.


Date: 04/2021  |  Version: 2.38  |  Size: 429 KB

PME Firmware for hardware version 1.xx

For PME hardware version 1.xx (MP01-MP70) and all MP85/DP! For newer devices, please use the PME firmware for hardware version 2.xx on this page. Archive including all current firmware files for modules of the PME series. The appropriate firmware loader is part of the PME assistant. The zip file has to be extracted into the PME assistant directory. It includes following firmware versions:

  • MP01 Version 1.12
  • MP30 Version 1.04
  • MP30DP Version 1.04
  • MP55 Version 1.42
  • MP55DP Version 1.42
  • MP55DPS6 Version 1.42
  • MP60 Version 1.18
  • MP60DP Version 1.18
  • MP70DP Version 1.05
  • MP70DPS7 Version 1.05
  • MP70S7 Version 1.05
  • MP85 Version 1.10
  • MP85DP Version 1.10

Date: 05/2007  |  Version: HW1  |  Size: 887 KB

PME Firmware for hardware version 2.xx

For PME hardware version 2.xx (MP01-MP70) and all MP85A/ADP! For older devices, please use the PME firmware for hardware version 1.xx on this page. Archive including all current firmware files for modules of the PME series. The appropriate firmware loader is part of the PME assistant. The zip file has to be extracted into the PME assistant directory. It includes following firmware versions:

  • MP01 Version 2.00
  • MP30 Version 2.02
  • MP30DP Version 2.02
  • MP55 Version 2.06
  • MP55DP Version 2.06
  • MP55DPS6 Version 2.02
  • MP60 Version 2.00
  • MP60DP Version 2.00
  • MP70DP Version 2.00
  • MP70DPS7 Version 2.00
  • MP70S7 Version 2.00
  • MP85A Version 2.38
  • MP85ADP Version 2.38
  • MP85A-S Version 2.38
  • MP85ADP-S Version 2.38

Date: 12/2016  |  Version: HW2  |  Size: 2 MB
Related Documents: MP85A Release note FW

BPMmonitor Application software

This software package contains a modern production related GUI to connect up to max 12 MP85 modules, which run in parallel including Visualization, Process-evaluation, Data-storage and Backup. Up to 999 parameter-sets of each MP85 can be stored onto it´s memory-card. The parameter-sets are divided in “device”-settings such as senor-related settings and “application”-settings such as evaluation-related setting like the tolerance-windows and tolerance-band, etc. With this it´s easy the handle amplifier-setting split to the application settings, because they can be set separately and copied automatically to the related parameter-sets. A Program-help is included in the software.

The software runs under Windows7/8/10 and can be started 25 times for free. To buy the full licence please visit the HBM shop or ask your local HBM representative.

Date: 05/2021  |  Version:  |  Size: 15 MB

EASYmonitorCE Application software

This software package contains the complete application with built-in program help for the GK7000 display terminal. GK7000 works with max. 6 MP85 devices and can be used for the complete parameterization, visualization and storage of process data. The application runs under WindowsCE V5 and V6 and is optimized for a screen resolution of 800x480 pixels. For update details, please follow the steps in UpdateGK7000.pdf, which is included in the zip download.

Date: 05/2019  |  Version:  |  Size: 5 MB

MP85A CAE data for Eplan Electric P8

This project is a macro-project and contains CAE data for Eplan Electric P8.

Date: 08/2011  |  Version: 1.00  |  Size: 19 MB

NL51N-DPL-Gateway-DP/NP CAE data for Eplan Electric P8

This project is a macro project and contains CAE data for Eplan Electric P8.

 |  Size: 81 KB

PME FASTpressSuite CD

PME assistant, firmware loader and USB driver (for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7/8/10) for comfortable setup and visualisation. For smooth operation of modules with CAN interfaces, use the PEAK USB-to-CAN dongle. All required drivers are included and will be installed during startup.

This download includes:

  • PME-Assistant (V3.4.R208)
  • PME-Firmware Loader (V1.1.7)
  • IPM data conversion (V1.1)
  • License-manager for MP85A-Toolkit and MP85A-Runtime (necessary for MP85A PC-applications)

... and the demo versions of:

  • EASYteach (V1.0.5.10)
  • MP85A-Toolkit (V1.0.R5.12)
  • EASYmonitor CE (V1.1.1.1)
  • INDUSTRYmonitor (V1.2.1.22)

You can start those demo versions up to 25 times for free. To buy the full licence please visit the HBM shop or ask your local HBM representative.

Date: 01/2019  |  Version: 1.52  |  Size: 165 MB
Related Documents: Release Notes

PME MP85ADP(-S) Example Project

Program example to the communication of the HBM process-controller MP85 with a Siemens Siemens CPU317-2 DP:
The example of the communication with the MP85A about Ethernet please unzip recursive in the ZIP archive (relatively stored paths). The program sends and receives data by means of the functions AG_send and AG_Recv (FC5 and FC6). It are sent 10 bytes to the SPS and 14 bytes should be received again. In this project the Siemens CPU317-2 DP has the IP address The IP address of the MP85 is (port 4020). A description with program-code and comments is shown in the documents „OP1_MP85A_Eth-Com-CPU317-2 DP.pdf “
Legal notice: The example given is intended to illustrate the integration of the MP85ADP(-S) into Siemens' Step7 software via Profibus. This example does not imply any warranty or guarantee.

Date: 07/2015  |  Size: 2 MB

PME MP85ADP(-S) Example Project

Example-Sequence to read and write consitent data as well an example to read and write the workpiece-id via Profibus-DPV1 with Siematic Step7:
This basic example shows the transmission of measuring-value and Control-word (Float data format) from the MP85ADP(-S) via Provibus-DP interface to a master (e.g. Siemens PLC). Programming is done in Step7 Siemens software using the function blocks for reading (SFC14) and writing (SFC15) MP85ADP data. Further more the example contains reading and writing the workpiece-id via the Profibus DPV1-function using the function-blocks for reading (SFB52) und writing (SFB53) to MP85ADP(-S). A description with program-code and comments is shown in the documents „OB1_DPV1_Werkstueck_de.pdf“ and „OB1_DPV1_Werkstueck_en.pdf“.
Legal notice: The example given is intended to illustrate the integration of the MP85ADP(-S) into Siemens' Step7 software via Profibus. This example does not imply any warranty or guarantee.

Date: 07/2010  |  Size: 6 MB

PME MP85ADP(-S) Profinet-integration

This is an instruction for integrating a MP85DP in a profinet network by using the Hilscher gateway NL51N-DPL, which converts Profibus to Profinet.

It shows how to configure the Hilscher gateway, which is able to transmit cyclic data, and establish a profinet connection (RT).

Furthermore, it is shown how to transmit acyclic data via the gateway by using the profibus container.

In this example, the workpiece id of the MP85 is changed by our TIA PLC program.


Date: 02/2020  |  Size: 197 MB

PME Profibus DP

PROFIBUS DP master file for PME: (MP30DP, MP55DP, MP60DP, MP70DP, MP70DPS7,MP85MP). German version: GSD file, English version: GSE file.

Date: 07/2013  |  Version: 1.20  |  Size: 30 KB

Repair-instruction to fix Boot-errors on the GK7000 Display-Terminal

This instruction can be used to repair the GK7000 display-terminal in case if a boot-error on the GK7000 occurs. For fixing the error a SD-HD card is needed. This card must have a capacity of 4 GB or 8 GB. SD cards with less/more capacity are not supported.

Date: 05/2019  |  Size: 23 MB

Sequence for reading the curve memory via ProfibusDPV1 using Simatic Step7

The basic sequence of transmission of measured value (Float data format) from the MP85ADP curve memory via the Profibus-DP interface to a master (e.g. Siemens PLC) is shown in this file.

Date: 07/2015  |  Size: 926 KB

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