SomatXR MX411B-R Highly Dynamic Amplifier SomatXR MX411B-R Highly Dynamic Amplifier | HBM

다이나믹한 데이터를 측정, 분석하고 싶습니까 ? 그렇다면 HBM의 SomatXR MX411B-R 을 사용해 보세요. MX411B-R 은 4채널 앰프로, 채널당 최대 100 kS/s 까지 샘플링이 가능하며 two-channel 모드에서는 200kS/s 까지도 지원합니다. 그렇기에 고도로 동적인 데이터 측정 작업에 가장 적합합니다.

SomatXR MX411B-R 은 다음을 지원합니다.:

  • Voltage (±10V)
  • Standardized current (±20 mA)
  • Full-bridge or half-bridge circuit strain gauges
  • Inductive full and half bridges, LVDT
  • Current-fed piezoelectric transducers (IEPE, ICP®)
  • Piezoresistive full bridges

24-bit 의 resolution에서 초당 최대 100 kS/s 까지의 샘플링이 가능한 MX411B-R 은 극한 환경에서 고도의 동적인 힘과 가속도 측정을 가능하게 합니다.

Typical fields of application

    • Mobile measurements and tests with off-highway vehicles (construction, agriculture and forestry)
    • Stationary measurements and tests on infrastructures, e.g. buildings
    • Field tests in harsh environments

    Your benefits

    • Reliable measurement results even in harsh environments
    • Reduced wiring effort due to use of distributed modules
    • Digitization close to the sensor results in higher measurement quality


    Flexible, modular and expandable

    SomatXR modules can also be used in combination with other data acquisition systems (e.g. QuantumX). In just a few simple steps you can put together a highly individualized data acquisition system scaled to your specific needs. The modules communicate via Ethernet TCP/IP and are synchronized using IEEE 1588 (PTPv2). 

    Professional software support

    SomatXR users benefit from a powerful software package. Every measurement module can be connected to the PC and  catman measurement software via Ethernet. The ultra rugged CX22B-R data recorder allows stand-alone use in the field without a PC. This ensures that the data is easy to acquire, clearly visualized and smartly analyzed.

    Highly precise and reliable

    Reliable and dependable measurement results require the calibration of transducers, amplifiers, or complete measurement chains.

    • Working standard calibration certificate according to ISO 10012 stored in the SomatXR module
    • DAkkS certificate (ISO 17025) from HBM on request
    제품 CAD 파일 다운로드
    SomatXR MX411B-R CAD step 파일
    SomatXR MX411B-R 악세사리 CAD step 파일

    Product Literature

    제목 / 설명언어
    데이터 시트
    SomatXR MX411B-R - Data Sheet English
    SomatXR MX411B-R - Data Sheet (Japanese) Japanese
    SomatXR MX411B-R - Datenblatt German
    SomatXR - Brochure English
    SomatXR - Broschüre German
    사용 메뉴얼
    HBM Common API - User Manual English
    HBM LabVIEW Driver - User Manual English
    SomatXR MX Modules - 操作說明 Chinese
    SomatXR MX Modules - 取扱説明書 Japanese
    SomatXR MX Modules - User Manual English
    SomatXR MX-Module - Bedienungsanleitung German
    빠른 실행 가이드
    SomatXR Rugged DAQ - Quick Start Guide English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, Korean
    QuantumX / SomatXR - Uninterruptible Power Supply - Data Sheet English
    QuantumX / SomatXR - Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung - Datenblatt German
    SomatXR - Ethernet Extension Adapter - Mounting Instructions English
    SomatXR - Ethernet Plug (ODU, 8-pin, push-pull) - Mounting Instructions English, German
    SomatXR - Mounting Brackets for single units - Mounting Instructions English, German
    SomatXR - Mounting Brackets for stacked units (Casemount2/3) - Mounting Instructions English
    SomatXR - Power Plug (ODU, 4-pin, push-pull) - Mounting Instructions English, German
    SomatXR - Quarter Bridge Adapters SCM-R-SG - Data Sheet English
    SomatXR - Sensor Plug (ODU, 14-pin, break-away) - Mounting Instructions English, German
    SomatXR - Sensor Plug (ODU, 14-pin, push-pull) - Mounting Instructions English, German
    SomatXR - Universal Mounting Fixture (Casemount-UMB) - Data Sheet English
    SomatXR Accessories - Data Sheet English
    SomatXR Zubehör - Datenblatt German
    안전 수칙
    SomatXR - Safety Information English, German
    Declaration of Conformity
    1-KAB, K-KAB (cable) - EU Declaration of Conformity 다국어
    SomatXR and accessoires - EU Declaration of Conformity 다국어
    Tech Notes
    SomatXR - Tech Notes English
    TECH NOTE: Integrated Electronics Piezo-Electric Sensing (IEPE)

    Sensors based on piezo-electric and with integrated electronics explained in detail. IEPE characterises a technical standard for piezoelectric sensors which contain built-in impedance conversion electronics with constant current supply. IEPE sensors are used to measure acceleration, acoustics, force or pressure.


    IEPE characterises a technical standard for piezoelectric sensors which contain built-in impedance conversion electronics with constant current supply. IEPE sensors are used to measure acceleration, acoustics, force or pressure.

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