Acessórios para tecnologia de medição óptica Acessórios para tecnologia de medição óptica | HBM

Acessórios fáceis de montar para detecção de fibra óptica

Acessórios, como cabos de remendo, adaptadores ópticos e muito mais, estão disponíveis na HBK FiberSensing para permitir que você construa um sistema de medição óptica completo de maneira rápida e confiável.

Patch Cable Óptico

Patch cables are used to extend the length of optical fibers. These cables have an optical plug at each end and are connected by an optical socket. 


Patch cable with 9 µm core diameter:

  • FS82 - Indoor Patch Cable: Optical fiber cable with selectable lengths for indoor use (9 µm core fiber, LSZH outer buffer with 3 mm diameter, Kevlar reinforcement, two connectors)
  • FS83 - Outdoor Patch Cable: Optical fiber cable with 20 m length for indoor use (6 µm core fiber, LSZH outer buffer with 3 mm diameter, Kevlar reinforcement, two FC/APC connectors)

Patch cable with 6 µm core diameter:

  • 1-OPT-PCOMF03LSZH: Optical fiber cable with 3 m length for indoor use (6 µm core fiber, LSZH outer buffer with 3 mm diameter, Kevlar reinforcement, two FC/APC connectors)
  • 1-OPT-PCOMF20LSZH: Optical fiber cable with 20 m length for indoor use (6 µm core fiber, LSZH outer buffer with 3 mm diameter, Kevlar reinforcement, two FC/APC connectors)
  • 1-OPT-PCOMF05ARM: Optical fiber cable with 5 m length for outdoor use (6 µm core fiber, PE buffer with 3mm diameter, Kevlar and stainless steel reinforcement, two FC/APC connectors)
  • 1-OPT-PCOMF20ARM: Optical fiber cable with 20 m length for outdoor use (6 µm core fiber, PE buffer with 3mm diameter, Kevlar and stainless steel reinforcement, two FC/APC connectors)

Adaptadores Óticos

Os adaptadores óticos da HBM FiberSensing para sensores FBG são usados para conectar vários sensores em série com o mínimo de perda de sinal.

  • 1-FS80 100 – Adaptador ótico FC/FC
  • 1-FS80 300 – Adaptador ótico SC/SC

Para mais informações, veja o PDF “Acessórios HBM FiberSensing” na seção “Documentação Técnica” abaixo.

A red laser-light source used for troubleshooting optical fiber systems, for example to determine fiber breaks or to evaluate bending radii. The optical connecting socket of the fiber tester is designed for FC/APC plugs.






A cleaning tool for optical connectors.






A fiber optic splitter 1x2 with FC/APC connectors.

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