Articles, Blog Posts & Tech Notes on Electric Power Testing
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Blog Posts
5 Dicas para seleccionar o Analisador de Potência Correto
Os analisadores de potência medem o fluxo de potência em sistemas eléctricos. Descubra o que considerar ao seleccionar um analisador de potência.
Blogpost: An Introduction to Electric Power Testing
Electric power testing gives in-depth analysis into the behaviour of the inverter, the motor and electric drive train. It can be quite complex and requires a real-time power analyser for high channel counts, dynamic load changes, raw data acquisition and advanced analysis. Electrical motor and inverter testing can be found in automotive, transportation, railways, aerospace, industrial, wind energy and also in power generation. Typical application areas are electric ship motor, electric fork lifter, wind energy generator, electric or hybrid car, high speed train, high-performance pumps, electric drive in Airbus A320, industrial VF inverter, multiphase AC industrial motor and much more.
O que é um analisador de energia?
Um analisador de energia é usado para medir o fluxo de potência (w) em um sistema elétrico. Isto se refere à taxa de transferência elétrica entre uma fonte de energia e um dissipador, daí a expressão alternativa de energia como energia por segundo (J/s). A medição do fluxo de energia é um processo crítico, ainda que rudimentar, que pode ser realizado com facilidade usando um analisador de potência padrão. Sistemas mais avançados adquirem sinais elétricos e realizam cálculos integrados para análises adicionais e complexas.
White Papers
Measuring Vehicle Energy and Power Distribution for Components, Systems, and Certification
Understanding how vehicles use and distribute energy is crucial for electric vehicle development and certification. Vehicle energy management is a detailed process that includes many steps and considerations. It presents challenges because of potentially high channel counts and the dynamic nature of the signals. This paper will review these challenges and provide solutions to help simplify testing of vehicle energy management and drive cycles by accurately measuring high channel counts of power and mechanical signals, including power during frequency changes.
Baixe agoraMeasuring Torque Ripple And Its Effects On Electric Power And Noise And Vibration
The electric motor has a very desirable torque speed curve because it can not only produce max torque at 0 speed, but across a wide range of speeds. While this ability creates new opportunities with the electric motor, it also creates some new challenges in comparison to internal combustion engines. One of these challenges is torque ripple, which has several implications including control, power output, noise, vibration, and durability. Torque ripple can be described as the variance of output torque as the motor rotates. This white paper will focus on the measurement of these signals and their implications for noise and vibration. The paper will also include examples from a couple of case studies which demonstrate the impact of torque ripple and its effects on NVH.
Baixe agoraChallenges in Testing Electric and More Electric Aircraft Motor and Inverters
The HBM eDrive power analyzer has unique features which make it an ideal measurement system for developing and validating electric aircraft powertrain. The eDrive solution simplifies testing complexity, allows users to test more quickly and gives a high level of traceability to tests. It does this by recording continuous data for large numbers of electrical and mechanical channels, then processes the data in real time to conduct power and efficiency calculations.
Baixe agoraDynamic Motor Power Measurement Enables In-Vehicle Testing of EVs
In-vehicle testing provides engineers with a method to benchmark competitors’ vehicles, calibrate drivetrains, and validate the performance of the product. In the emerging electric vehicle market, electrical power measurements on motors and related power conversion circuitry are becoming necessary to perform an evaluation of a vehicle. Mobile power measurement was previously difficult due to the dynamic nature of the vehicle speed. However, unique features provided in HBM’s eDrive, a system for testing electric machines and drives, make mobile electrical power measurements possible in real-world operating environments
Baixe agoraMeasuring the Parameters of a Transformer Equivalent Circuit Diagram
Used in many different applications, the transformer is one of the most important components in alternating current technology. It is used in electrical energy technology to transform between different voltage levels. To ensure efficient transmission of energy in this case, good efficiency and optimum utilization are required.
Baixe agoraQualification and Verification of High Power Battery Systems
Before a traction battery is introduced in the market, a qualification and verification of those systems is inevitable. A suitable test bench has to cover a high voltage and current range as well as a high dynamic and it should be able to execute the necessary tests as realistically as possible and in an application-oriented manner.
Baixe agoraCalculating Power Quantities with Perception Software
Accurate and highly dynamic power measurements are required for assessing and testing electrical drives in industrial applications, and for hybrid and electric vehicles. This article considers the most important power values, along with some examples.
Baixe agoraEfficiency and Loss Mapping of AC Motors
Recently electrical machines have become an important topic in many industries including power generation, heating/cooling, transportation and home appliances. With increases in efficiency standards and the increase in battery powered devices, the motor efficiency has become an important topic.
Baixe agoraGetting the Back Emf Voltage Constant of Permanent Magnet Motors with Just One Lap Wrist Using
The parameter identification of permanent magnet motors is needed when a new motor prototype must be quickly analyzed. The parameter identification can be performed with complicated tests using inverter and a driving machine, or using simpler methods that do not need any inverter supply and prime movers.
Baixe agoraPower Measurements on a 6-Phase Motor
The evaluation and testing of electric drives along with the corresponding control strategies in industrial and electrical mobility applications require precise and highly dynamic power measurements.
Baixe agoraPower Measurements on a Pulse Width Modulated Inverter with Perception Software
Accurate and highly dynamic power measurements are required for assessing and testing electric drives in industrial applications, and for hybrid and electric vehicles. To be able to evaluate these measurement results, the function and working method of the drive components must be considered.
Baixe agoraMeasurement of Resolver Position Using Genesis HighSpeed Data Recorders
The resolver is an electrical machine that is intensively used in synchronous motor drives to measure the rotor position that is needed for the motor control algorithm. Due to its robustness, the resolver is the popular choice in harsh environments, where the electrical motor is subjected to mechanical stresses and vibrations, such as automotive and aerospace applications.
Baixe agoraCalculating Space Vector Quantities and the Air-Gap Moment of Asynchronous Motors
Genesis HighSpeed data recorders from HBM are particularly suitable for measurements on inverter-fed AC induction motors. Thanks to their modular design, these measurement systems allow any number of channels while providing high sampling rates.
Baixe agoraCalculation and Realization of Measured Quantities in Electrical Energy Technology as Space Vectors with HBM Perception Software
Space vectors are frequently used for clear and concise realization of measured quantities in electrical energy conversion systems such as transformers or induction motors. Additional information regarding the operating state of these energy converters can be determined if the time-dependent space vectors are realized as locus curves in the complex plane.
Baixe agoraMeasurement of Symmetrical Components in Three-phase systems
The growing proportion of renewable energy requires these energy producers to also achieve high reliability and defined behavior in critical operating situations. The symmetrical components method can be used to assess and evaluate the operating points of renewable energy producers.
Baixe agoraShort-Circuit Tests of High-Performance Traction Batteries Using Non-Linear Current Sensors
Qualifying the circuit breakers and fuses of high-power traction batteries requires the ability to measure currents in the range of a few kiloamps. It also calls for the ability to measure currents of a few amps precisely and with high dynamics. This report introduces a specially developed non-linear current sensor (NLCS) and explains measurement and analysis using the Genesis HighSpeed data recorders.
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