We have been entirely satisfied with HBM’s support so far, as well as equipment quality and function. It works the way it should, when it should. We are also very used to the hardware and software now. It is an advantage to have the same equipment in all our laboratories. When running trials in various laboratories, feeling “at home” is very advantageous. One model might be run in the towing tank first off, and then in the ocean basin. It is a simple matter to just disconnect it from one set of measurement equipment and bring the model and channel list along and connect them to another measurement rack. The measurements will be consistent regardless of where they are made.
SINTEF is one of the world’s premier laboratories, but we do have competition. We have a vision of building another, larger, plant. Then, we’re going to require a lot more measurement equipment.
HBM's strain gauges are glued to various structural elements (rings) to measure e.g. line tensions in anchor chains and risers. Here, line tensions are tested on riser lines going down from a ship to a submerged production system on kilometre below on the seafloor.
We have always had good communications with HBM. They are with us all the way. We measure using MGCplus, catman shows and consolidates the values and catman drives the whole project as well. They have given us a complete solution.