Siemens: Dynamic truck rear axle transmission test rig for SCANIA
As an automotive industry partner, Siemens A&D, in its vehicle test and inspection systems division provides innovative solutions for testing vehicles and vehicle components throughout the world. By using the latest HBM torque measurement technology new ground was also broken when designing a transmission test rig for SCANIA in Sweden.
A 4-machine test rig was installed at the SCANIA Technical Centre in Södertälje in Sweden to determine data about fatigue, service life and function of truck rear axle transmissions. It was used to develop rear axle transmissions, particularly for heavy goods vehicles with and without a tandem-axle. This is why a total of four electric machines are needed in the test room as drive and loading units.
With a fast control system (CATSTC), robust test rig control and a flexible automation system (CATSNT), the highly functional test rig is able to control a wide variety of different machine configurations (2, 3 or 4 machine operation) and accompanying control modes in the required dynamic response.