C2A/M: 称重模块用于 C2A 称重传感器 1 t ... 10 t C2A/M: 称重模块用于 C2A 称重传感器 1 t ... 10 t | HBM

C2A 称重模块是进行高精度重量分析和过程称重的理想选择. 模块包括内置的反升力装置和水平档. 并可提供支撑杆.

C2A 称重模块采用不锈钢材料,并通过摆支撑来导入传感器来保证最大精度,符合贸易认证 OIML class C4 标准.

C2A 称重模块符合 WELMEC 2.4 要求 (欧洲度量衡组织),因此非常适合高精度重量分析和过程称重.

C2A 称重模块安装方便. 所有的 C2A 模块都包含传感器的替代物,这可以让用户安装实际传感器之前能够让系统运行.

技术规格符合 DIN 18800 标准,并有 (TÜV) 颁发的证书.


额定负载 1 t / 2 t / 5 t / 10 t

The C2A modules are made from stainless steel and the load is introduced through pendulum bearings to give a maximum accuracy that meets legal requirements for trade up to OIML class C4 with very small loads.

The C2A weighing modules comply with WELMEC 2.4 requirements (European Cooperation in legal Metrology) and are especially well suited to high-precision applications in process measurement and level measurement.

C2A weighing modules are designed to be easy to mount reducing assembly time and costs. All C2A modules are delivered with a load cell dummy because they are often used in harsh industrial environments. This allows users to install the actual load cell only when the system is operational.

Specifications conform to the requirements of DIN 18800 as certified by independent Technical Supervisory Association (TÜV).


  • 结构紧凑
  • 安装有摆支撑
  • 内置反升力装置
  • 内置水平限位
  • 可用替代物
  • 不锈钢材料
  • 支撑杆和无支撑杆可选
  • (TÜV) 技术认证

Product Literature

C2A/M1(L)BR - Prospetto dati Italian
HBM weighing technology for industry - Brochure English
Industrielle Wägetechnik von HBM - Broschüre German
Tecnologia di pesatura industriale della HBM - Opuscolo Italian
C2A/M1 Istruzioni di montaggio Italian
EU-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung – BVS 13 ATEX E 108 X German
EU-Type Examination Certificate – BVS 13 ATEX E 108 X English
FM-Certificate of Conformity – FM 17 US 0159

Only for option AI2/21_F

Declaration of Conformity
C2 (N / kN) - EU Declaration of Conformity 多语言
Explosion Protection: Declaration of Conformity
C16/C2/U2A/C2A/HLC/PW15/PW25/PW27/PW29/RSC/RTN/Z6/Z6R/Z16 - UK Declaration of Conformity

Ex IIG for zone 2 and Ex IID for zone 21

C16/C2/U2A/C2A/HLC/PW15AH/PW25/PW27/PW29/PW4L/RSC/RTN/Z6/Z6R/Z7/Z16/PW10/PW12/PW15/PW16/PW22/PWS/SP4 - EU Declaration of Conformity

Ex IIG for zone 1 and Ex IID for zone 21

C16/C2/U2A/C2A/HLC/PW15AH/PW25/PW27/PW29/PW4L/RSC/RTN/Z6/Z6R/Z7/Z16/PW10/PW12/PW15/PW16/PW22/PWS/SP4 - UK Declaration of Conformity

Ex IIG for zone 1 and Ex IID for zone 21

C16/C2/U2A/C2A/HLC/PW15AH/PW25/PW27/PW29/RSC/RTN/Z6/Z6R/Z16 - EU Declaration of Conformity

[Translate to 中文:] Ex IIG for zone 2 and Ex IID for zone 21

ATEX / IECEx Zone 1/21 – Ex i - Safety Instructions

II 2G Ex ia IIC T6/T4 Gb / II 2D Ex ia IIIC T125°C Db

English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese

CAD 图纸

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