Genesis HighSpeed software / firmware download archive Genesis HighSpeed software / firmware download archive | HBM

Download archive for Genesis HighSpeed software and firmware

This archive contains older and unsupported Genesis HighSpeed software and firmware.

For the latest Genesis HighSpeed software and firmware, please click here.

Downloads for Perception and Genesis HighSpeed






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Approved List for Perception

Percepction ApprovedList 8.70.24184

07/20248.706 MB
Perception CSI 64-bit

Perception CSI 64-bit Windows Installer

07/20248.703 MB
Perception CSI

Perception CSI Windows Installer


07/20248.7030 MB
Perception COM-RPC.msi

Installer of the RPC COM wrapper and RPC documentation

07/20248.709 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.64

This is a minor release of Perception. Due to the fixes, please download the release instead of Perception 8.60

New Features:

  • Supporting Engineering Prototypes GN800B, P101I-4, P111I-4 and P112I-4 – These engineering prototypes may only be used with this release in accordance with mutually signed user agreement.

Improvements in e-Power Suite:

  • Additional step required when changing the default measuring time in the e-Power Suite

Improvements for Hardware:

  • Fast Span Change via fieldbus Remote Control

Support Items & Requests (selected items only):

  • The speed of batch processing is improved - fixed
  • Perception V8.60 cannot read a pNRF file saved by v7.60 - fixed
  • The data published through XCP over Ethernet to CANape are not corresponding to Perception display – fixed
  • Perception crash in Preview mode when only one group´s storage is enabled - fixed

Deprecated Support:

  • GPS2750
04/20248.64765 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.50

This is a major release of Perception. Due to the fixes in Perception 8.52, please download Perception 8.52 instead of Perception 8.50.

New Features:

• Continuous Output

• RTFDB processing on CAN signal

• Harmonic Analysis Display Improvements

• Change from relative addressing to absolute addressing

NOTE: With this change. The user already using a setup and using the old relative addressing may have to change their setup.

07/20238.50.23184701 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.52

This is a minor release of Perception. Due to the fixes, please download this release instead of Perception 8.50


No special license for RTFDB on CAN inputs:

Perception 8.50 requires a special license to allow processing CAN signals in the RTFDB. This feature is free of charge for customers within Perception maintenance, so it licensing is no longer required.

CAN bus stopped unexpectedly

A problem is solved where the CAN bus stopped unexpectedly.

New type of Peak CAN dongle was not accepted

Peak provides the USB CAN dongle with different internal chip sets. The updated Peak dongles are now also recognized and can be used.

NaN in log file when doing processing

When using one of the FDB functions (CycleFundamental) the output may give NaN. This problem is solved.

Freeze when duplicating signals for automated recording processing

The system is made robust against selecting the same signal multiple times when doing automated recording post-processing.

New Features:

Continuous Output

  • It is possible to save every sweep as a separate recording that can be opened immediately after a sweep has been finished.
  • It is also possible to split the continuous part of the recording into smaller individual recordings
  • When the user chooses not to generate a split recording, there is a choice: - have a single recording file or; - cut up the recording into several files.
  • Between a pause and resume, the system will continue publishing data on the fieldbuses

RTFDB processing on CAN signal:

  • From this release onward, CAN inputs can also be processed by the RTFDB and the results can be treated just like processed analog signals: - they can be stored in a recording; - and/or be published on one of the field buses.
  • When CAN signals are available, they are shown in Data Source Navigator and they can be selected by name in RTFDB formulas, just like other signals.
  • This allows to perform calculations on CAN signals (and then to publish the results on, for example, the CAN bus).

Since some RTFDB functions can generate triggers, this also makes it possible to generate triggers based on CAN signals.

Harmonic Analysis Display Improvements:

  • It is now possible to show harmonics starting at a different order than zero.
  • Furthermore, it is now possible to scale the Y-axis

Change from relative addressing to absolute addressing:

  • In earlier major releases, in CAN remote control, relative addressing was used for recorders. - This means that: if we use the address x in a CAN command, this refers to the x-th occupied recorder slot. - This means that the address of a recorder may change when recorders are added or removed. Because this is inconvenient and error prone, we implemented the following change:
  • This is the first major release where, absolute addressing is used for all recorders in a mainframe.
  • In the 1-byte address available to address recorders; - the range 1...127 is used for physical recorders and the range; - 128...255 for CAN recorders, irrespective of a physical recorder being present or not and a CAN recorder being used or not.

NOTE: With this change. The user already using a setup and using the old relative addressing may have to change their setup

07/20238.52.23198727 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.54

This is a minor release of Perception. Due to the fixes, please download this release instead of Perception 8.52.

Various stability and performance enhancements implemented, see release notes for details.

NOTE: With this change. The user already using a setup and using the old relative addressing may have to change their setup.

09/20238.54.23248732 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.60

This is a major release of Perception.

Bug Fixes

New Features for e-Power Suit:

  • Using field bus signals, allow easy detection if a setup is in steady-state

New Features for Hardware:

  • XCP over Ethernet
  • Mainframe control via EtherCAT PDO

Improvements on Perception

  • Modernized the look-and-feel of Perception
  • Prevent large MatLab/MDF4 export files due to asynchronous signalsImprove how a user can see and print the hardware settings from a recording

Improvements on Hardware

  • Additional CAN sample rates
  • Allow integrating asynchronous samples etc.
01/20248.60769 MBRelease Notes
Perception COM-RPC.msi

Installer of the RPC COM wrapper and RPC documentation

09/20238.547 MB

GENDAQ API v3 for Perception V7.40, V7.50 and V7.60

01/20196 MB
Hardware Peripheral Update Package

Update HBM approved GEN DAQ hardware peripherals. For example allowing new types of (solid state) drives.

05/20238.48.231095 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.48

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.


In some special situations, not all setpoints were stored in the setpoint table. This is now solved. (solves SUPEPT-253)

A problem with applying a virtual workbench to an identical but different mainframe. (solves SUPEPT-257)

In some situations it could happen that modifications made in Perception were not saved in a virtual workbench. This problem is now solved. (solves SUPEPT-261)

A problem with restarting a mainframe with specific user settings was solved. (solves SUPEPT-256)

New features:

Support for a new Samsung SSD

05/20238.48.23109648 MBRelease Notes
Hardware Peripheral Update Package

Update HBM approved GEN DAQ hardware peripherals. For example allowing new types of (solid state) drives.

01/20238.40.230095 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.40

This is a major release of Perception

Inversion of analog signals

The polarization of the signal can be inverted for GN61xB, GN31xB, GN120xB, GN1640B, GN840B and GN810xB

Support for the measurement uncertainty of efficiencies in the Measurement Uncertainty sheet

The Measurement Uncertainty sheet now also allows calculating the uncertainty in efficiencies based on the uncertainties calculated for the DC, AC and mechanical power numbers. The efficiencies and their measurement uncertainty can be made visible by clicking the dotted button at the bottom of the sheet, by choosing the eta symbol in the Perception toolbar, or by right-clicking the 'MU Estimation (Basic)' tab and selecting 'Show Efficiency Calculation Results'. If the Measurement Uncertainty sheet is not visible, in Perception choose from the menu bar Sheets and then ‘MU Estimation (Basic)’. Once the sheet is loaded, the Quick Start Guide can be found by opening the context menu of the sheet's tab and choosing Quick Start Guide... .

EtherCAT control

The GHS mainframe settings and acquisition control can be controlled via EtherCAT. The protocol and commands are the same as CAN remote control. Sending command SDO triggers execution of the command with provided parameters.

New functions for mean and standard deviation in the

Several new functions were added to the Real-Time Formula DataBase (RTFDB) related to determining the average and standard deviation of signals. The first new function is CycleStdDev(). and forms a pair with the exisiting CycleMean() function: where the CycleMean() function determines the mean (or average) over all samples between two cycle events, the CycleStdDev() calculates the standard deviation over the samples. We further introduce the pair of functions TimedMean() and TimedStdDev(). Those functions repeatedly calculate the mean and standard deviation, repectively, over a user-defined time interval. For example, if the user-defined time is set to 1 second, every 1 second, a mean (or standard deviation) for the input signal will be generated over the previous 1 second. The next new pair of functions is NumSamplesMean() and NumSamplesStdDev(). Those functions repeatedly calculate the mean and standard deviation, repectively, over a user-defined number of samples. For example, if the user-defined number of samples is set to 10, for every 10 samples of the input signal, a mean (or standard deviation) will be generated over the previous 10 samples. It is important to note that the outputs of the last four functions cannot be used as the input of another RTFDB function, but they can be published on the fieldbuses. With the proper setup, the standard deviation functions, possibly in combination with the corresponding function for the mean, make it possible, for example, to get an indication on the field buses if a system is in steady state.


01/20238.40.23009659 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.34

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.

Details about fixed issues and new features can be found in the release notes.

Note: Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems.

When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.

11/20228.34.22308652 MBRelease Notes
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

11/202268 KB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

11/20228.34.223084 MB
Hardware Peripheral Update Package

Update HBM approved GEN DAQ hardware peripherals. For example allowing new types of (solid state) drives.

11/20228.34.223085 MB
Perception COM-RPC.msi

Installer of the RPC COM wrapper and RPC documentation

11/20228.347 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.32

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.

Details about fixed issues and new features can be found in the release notes.

Note: Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems.

When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.

10/20228.32.22272654 MBRelease Notes
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

10/20228.32.2227224 MB
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

10/202268 KB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.30

This is a major release of Perception: We strongly recommend to update all Perception 8.22 installations to Perception 8.30, due to important bug fixes.

Note : Before you can upgrade to Perception 8.30, you must upgrade to Perception 8.28 first!

This step is required due to changes to the update mechanism

Harmonic Analysis

Functionality has been added to calculate and display harmonic information according to the IEC 61000-4-7 standard. This standard specifies how harmonics must be calculated for signals with a 50Hz or 60Hz fundamental frequency which typically appear in power grid and power line applications. This new functionality contains the following parts. A new RTFDB function is now available called HarmonicsIEC61000 which calculates the spectrum of a signal following IEC 61000-4-7. The resulting harmonics can be made visible in a new Harmonic Analysis Display in Perception, both in graphical and tabular form. Harmonic Analysis is also fully integrated in the ePower suite as an optional analysis where it comes with several ready-to-use grid application setups. The Quick Start Guide for this new functionality is part of the documentation that comes with the installation and is also available from the Perception website.

Measurement Uncertainty

Perception Enterprise now contains a dedicated sheet to calculate the Measurement Uncertainty (MU) of DC, AC, and mechanical power values. Given inputs like the measured AC power, the type of acquisition card used, and the type of transducer used, this MU Estimation (Basic) sheet calculates the absolute and relative MU of the measured quantity. If the sheet is not visible, in Perception choose from the menu bar Sheets and then ‘MU Estimation (Basic)’. Once the sheet is loaded, the Quick Start Guide can be found by opening the context menu of the sheet's tab and choosing Quick Start Guide...

EtherCAT Distributed Clock

The Genesis mainframes support EtherCAT Distributed Clock to synchronize the internal clock with the EtherCAT clock.

RTFDB number of channels available for storage

The number of RTFDB channels available has be improved. The number of RTFDB channels available for storage has been increased to the table below.

Mainframe type | Available number of RTFDB channels for storage before | Available number of RTFDB channels for storage, after update

GEN2tB | 256 | 256

GEN3t / GEN3i / GEN3iA | 256 | 300

GEN4tB | 256 | 500

GEN7t / GEN7i / GEN7iA | 256 | 1000

GEN17tA | 256 | 1000

Details about new features and fixed issues can be found in the release notes.

Note : Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems. When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.

07/20228.30.22203651 MBRelease Notes
Perception CSI 64-bit 07/20228.30.222032 MB
Perception COM-RPC.msi

Installer of the RPC COM wrapper and RPC documentation

07/20228.307 MB
Hardware Peripheral Update Package

Update HBM approved GEN DAQ hardware peripherals. For example allowing new types of (solid state) drives.

07/20228.30.222035 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

07/20228.30.2220324 MB
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

07/2022205 KB
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

07/2022203 KB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

05/20228.26.2213323 MB
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

05/2022205 KB
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

01/2022205 KB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

01/20228.24.2202722 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.24

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.

Details about fixed issues and new features can be found in the release notes.

Note: Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems.

When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.

01/20228.24.22027566 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

01/20228.24.220277 MBRelease Notes
Perception COM-RPC.msi

Installer of the RPC COM wrapper and RPC documentation

06/20228.307 MB
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

11/2021203 KB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

11/20218.22.2132722 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.22

This is a major release of Perception: We strongly recommend to update all Perception 8.00 installations to Perception 8.22, due to important bug fixes.

All tethered Genesis HighSpeed mainframes now can be equipped with an internal CAN interface. CAN Recording as well as CAN Publishing is now supported natively.

With the new firmware part of Perception 8.20, all power analyzer input cards GN310B / GN311B and the high voltage input cards GN610B / GN611B will now get upgraded with now 4 counter / timer channels (instead of 2 so far). This enables eAxle applications to be addressed in a much more efficient way. In addition, different usability improvements have been implemented in order to optimize the workflow. Going forward, the Sensor database no longer requires a license.

Details about new features and fixed issues can be found in the release notes.

Note: Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems. When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.


11/20218.22.21327566 MBRelease Notes
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

06/2021202 KB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

06/20218.14.211606 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.14

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features. We strongly recommend to update all Perception 8.00 installations to Perception 8.14, due to important bug fixes.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.

Details about fixed issues and new features can be found in the release notes.

Note: Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems.

When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.

06/20218.14.21160459 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

06/20218.14.211606 MBRelease Notes
Perception STL Verification Sheet

Sheet works with Perception 8 or later and explains the working of the STL formulas. The sheet can be used to verify the STL calculations on user data.

05/20213.33 MB
Genesis FLOSS

FLOSS (Free Libre & Open Source Software) description of the Genesis software stack

05/2021202 KB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

05/20218.12.211266 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.12

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features. We strongly recommend to update all Perception 8.00 installations to Perception 8.12, due to important bug fixes.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.

Details about fixed issues and new features can be found in the release notes.

Note: Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems.

When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.

05/20218.12.21126459 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

05/20218.12.211266 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception 8.08

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features. We strongly recommend to update all Perception 8.00 installations to Perception 8.08, due to important bug fixes.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.

Details about fixed issues and new features can be found in the release notes.

Note: Perception includes the instruments firmware for GEN DAQ systems. So there is no separate firmware available for GEN DAQ systems.

When you connect to hardware using a new version of Perception, the firmware in the hardware will be upgraded accordingly to the same release level.

03/20218.08.21077460 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

03/20218.08.210776 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

01/20218.06.210187 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

This is an minor release of Perception mainly improving stability, fixing known problems and adding minor new features.

This is not shipped out with the hardware but only available via web download.

Details about fixed issues and new features can be found in the release notes.


01/20218.06.21018460 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 64-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the "next" Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

This preview contains both some new features and bug fixes (see release notes).

10/20208.02.20295460 MBRelease Notes
Perception STL Verification Sheet

Sheet explaining the working of the STL formulas. The sheet can be used to verify the STL calculations on user data

09/20203.068 MB
Perception Remote Control RPC ePower Demo

Simple Perception RPC ePower demo program

09/20202.0.202511 MB
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

The 64-bit version of Perception includes “Full install” and “Free viewer install” – each installation with its own set of features.

The free viewer version of Perception can be used free of charge.


Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

08/20207.60.20240358 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

The 64-bit version of Perception includes “Full install” and “Free viewer install” – each installation with its own set of features.

The free viewer version of Perception can be used free of charge.


Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.


08/20207.60.20240380 MBRelease Notes
Perception CSI Harmonic Analysis Sheet Trial Version

Calculate the amplitude of the harmonic components of a periodic signal using the Fourier series.

06/20203.69 MB
Perception STL Verification Sheet

Sheet explaining the working of the STL formulas. The sheet can be used to verify the STL calculations on user data

02/20202.168 MB
Perception CSI Harmonic Analysis Sheet Trial Version

Calculate the amplitude of the harmonic components of a periodic signal using the Fourier series.

02/20203.59 MB
Perception CSI Harmonic Analysis Sheet Trial Version

Calculate the amplitude of the harmonic components of a periodic signal using the Fourier series.

01/20193.4.200209 MB
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

The 64-bit version of Perception includes “Full install” and “Free viewer install” – each installation with its own set of features.

The free viewer version of Perception can be used free of charge.


Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.


06/20197.40.19177370 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

The 64-bit version of Perception includes “Full install” and “Free viewer install” – each installation with its own set of features.

The free viewer version of Perception can be used free of charge.


Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.


06/20197.40.19177397 MBRelease Notes
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems

12/20197.50.19343263 KB
GPL sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

12/20197.50.19343333 MB
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

The 64-bit version of Perception includes “Full install” and “Free viewer install” – each installation with its own set of features.

The free viewer version of Perception can be used free of charge.


Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.


12/20197.50.19343371 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

The 64-bit version of Perception includes “Full install” and “Free viewer install” – each installation with its own set of features.

The free viewer version of Perception can be used free of charge.


Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.


12/20197.50.19343393 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit - Installation files 32/64-bit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

12/20197.50.193437 MBRelease Notes
Hardware Peripheral Update Package

Update HBM approved GEN DAQ hardware peripherals. For example allowing new types of (solid state) drives.

11/20197.48.193185 MB
Perception STL Verification Sheet

Sheet explaining the working of the STL formulas. The sheet can be used to verify the STL calculations on user data

02/20191.68 MB
Log File Reader Trial version

Reading back Perception Logged data into a Perception User Table. The data can be filtered and the layout can be adjusted

05/20191.58 MB
Word Organizer Sheet Trial Version

Create a new Word or PDF report by assemble existing Word documents generated during a recording. Also bitmaps or richtext files can be added

05/20191.78 MB
Time Markers Table Trial Version

Shows all time markers including triggers in a table. Can be used for navigating in Perception Display to specific trigger.

05/20192.27 MB
CSI Examples

Examples used in the CSI Programming User Manual

05/20192 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA/GEN2tB Data Acquisition Systems.

06/20197.40263 KB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

06/20197.40333 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit - Installation files 32/64-bit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

06/20197.40.191767 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 7 32-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the "next" Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main improvements in this preview:

- Digital signal filtering

- Pulse detection

- Several stability improvements


02/20197.38.19042411 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 7 64-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the "next" Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main improvements in this preview:

- Digital signal filtering

- Pulse detection

- Several stability improvements


02/20197.38.19042439 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 5 32-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the "next" Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main improvements in this preview:

- Improved performance of TrueRMS function

- Improved responsiveness of displaying data from the formula database

01/20197.34.19014412 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 5 64-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the "next" Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main improvements in this preview:

- Improved performance of TrueRMS function

- Improved responsiveness of displaying data from the formula database

01/20197.34.19014440 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 4 32-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the „next“ Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main improvements in this preview:

- Mainframe stability improvements

- QuantumX fixed false positive ‘no sensor attached’

- Printing of settings to PDF fixed

- Bitmap bookmarks correctly sized

- EtherCAT bus can reach operational state after ‘configured boot’

12/20187.32.18340395 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 4 64-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the „next“ Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main improvements in this preview:

- Mainframe stability improvements

- QuantumX fixed false positive ‘no sensor attached’

- Printing of settings to PDF fixed

- Bitmap bookmarks correctly sized

- EtherCAT bus can reach operational state after ‘configured boot’

12/20187.32.18340423 MBRelease Notes
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

11/20187.30329 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA Data Acquisition Systems.

11/20187.30383 MB
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception 32-bit version is only required for GEN2i systems and users running 32-bit Windows.

11/20187.30.18324393 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-E64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

This 64-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

11/20187.30.18324420 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit - Installation files 32/64-bit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

11/20187.30.183247 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 3 32-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the „next“ Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main new features added in this preview:


- FFT export of peak values

- Extended GEN DAQ API : basic setup

- File sharing from mainframe HDD

- BE3200 usability improvements

- RT-FDB for GN1202B and GN810xB

- MDF4 export now includes RT-FDB results

08/20187.26.18215392 MBRelease Notes
Perception Feature Preview 3 64-bit

This is a special version of Perception allowing interested customers to get used to feature from the „next“ Perception version to become available.

A Preview version contains new features and is tested, but not to the extent of a regular release. It is also not shipped with new hardware but only available as download for customer to test.

Main new features added in this preview:


- FFT export of peak values

- Extended GEN DAQ API : basic setup

- File sharing from mainframe HDD

- BE3200 usability improvements

- RT-FDB for GN1202B and GN810xB

- MDF4 export now includes RT-FDB results

eDrive related:

- GN1202B support

- Space vectors in real time

- Efficiency heat map creation in real time

08/20187.26.18215413 MBRelease Notes
Perception CSI STL Verification Sheet 1.4.18059.exe 8 MB
Calculator Sheet Trial Version

Calculates and displays statistical information of recorded data. Alarm levels can be used to color individual calculated results

04/20143.08 MB
Perception CSI Word Organizer 1.4.16152 Trial Version.exe 06/20161.4.161522 MB
Perception CSI Time Markers Table 2.0.16138 Trial Version 05/20162.0.161382 MB
Perception CSI Log File Reader 1.3.16284 Trial Version 10/20161.3162842 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit - Installation files 32/64-bit

PNRF Reader Software installation to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

03/20187.20.180757 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-E64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

This 64-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

03/20187.20.18075398 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception 32-bit version is only required for GEN2i systems and users running 32-bit Windows.

03/20187.20.18075378 MBRelease Notes
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA Data Acquisition Systems.

03/20187.20346 MB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

03/20187.20329 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA Data Acquisition Systems.

11/20177.14342 MB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

11/20177.14405 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-E64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception versions are available in 64-bit.

This 64-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

11/20177.14.17314385 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

11/20177.14.173147 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception 32-bit version is only required for GEN2i systems and users running 32-bit Windows.

11/20177.14.17314369 MBRelease Notes
GEN3i/GEN7i Update Package

The GEN3i/GEN7i Cumulative Update Package contains a version 4.1.1961 of the RTS IEEE1588 PTP driver.

11/20177130 MB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

07/20177.12405 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA Data Acquisition Systems.

07/20177.12345 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

07/20177.12.171787 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-E64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception version are available in 64-bit.

This 64-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

07/20177.12.17178369 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception 32-bit version is only required for GEN2i systems and users running 32-bit Windows.

This 32-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

07/20177.12.17178359 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Perception Enterprise (1-PERC-E64) is no longer required to run the 64-bit version of Perception. Therefore all Perception version are available in 64-bit.

This 64-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

12/20167.00.16336382 MBRelease Notes
GEN3i/GEN7i Update Package

The GEN3i/GEN7i Cumulative Update Package contains a new version of the RTS IEEE1588 PTP driver and also adds device drivers for new Genesis Highspeed devices.

12/20166134 MB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

12/20167.0416 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA/GEN17tA Data Acquisition Systems.

12/20167.0354 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

12/20167.00.163367 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

Perception 32-bit version is only required for GEN2i systems and users running 32-bit Windows.

This 32-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

12/20167.00.16336359 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

01/20166.72.153526 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

This 32-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

01/20166.72.15352317 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

This 64-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

01/20166.72.15352324 MBRelease Notes
ISOBE5600 Firmware (archived)

Firmware version 2.00.10091 for ISOBE5600

03/20112.00.100912 MBRelease Notes
ISOBE5600 Firmware (archived) 12/20122.00.123353 MBRelease Notes
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

01/20166.72416 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA Data Acquisition Systems.

01/20166.72354 MB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

04/20156.62415 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA

GPL file for GEN3t/GEN7tA Data Acquisition Systems.

04/20156.62353 MB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

02/20156.60415 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA 02/20156.60353 MB
GPL Sources for IM2

GPL file for IM2 interface/controller card.

09/20146.52414 MB
GPL Sources GEN3t/GEN7tA 09/20146.52351 MB
GEN3i/GEN7i Update Package

The GEN3i/GEN7i Cumulative Update Package contains a new version of the RTS IEEE1588 PTP driver and also adds device drivers for new Genesis Highspeed devices.

08/20155134 MB
GEN3i/GEN7i Update Package

The GEN3i/GEN7i Cumulative Update Package contains a new version of the RTS IEEE1588 PTP driver and also adds device drivers for new Genesis Highspeed devices.

02/2015123 MB
Perception COM-RPC.msi

Installer of the RPC COM wrapper and RPC documentation

06/20197.407 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit 03/20096.01.90764 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit 07/20096.02.91404 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit 12/20096.06.93374 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

05/20106.12.101244 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

12/20106.14.103235 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

03/20116.16.110675 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

10/20116.18.112915 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

03/20126.20.120835 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

11/20126.30.122975 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

12/20126.30.123355 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

10/20136.42.132875 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

06/20146.50.141465 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

09/20146.52.142605 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

02/20156.60.150405 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

04/20156.62.151055 MB
PNRF Reader Toolkit 32/64-bit

Software programming tool to read the proprietary PNRF (Perception Native Recording File) file format.

08/20156.70.152246 MB
LIBERTY Series Firmware: 6.0x to 6.06 upgrade patch

Due to a problem in 6.0x firmware, you need to follow the procedure as described in the TechNote below in order to upgrade to version 6.06.

You also need to download the patch itself to use as described in the TechNote.

12/20094 MBTechNote
Perception Software

Note: Perception 6.20 now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

03/20126.20.12083173 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software

Please note that Perception 6.30 contains breaking changes in the CSI and RPC interfaces. When using CSI or RPC you need to update and recompile your software before you can use it with the new version of Perception. Refer to the CSI and RPC help files for more information.
Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

11/20126.30.12297204 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software

Please note that Perception 6.30 contains breaking changes in the CSI and RPC interfaces. When using CSI or RPC you need to update and recompile your software before you can use it with the new version of Perception. Refer to the CSI and RPC help files for more information.
Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

12/20126.30.12335204 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software

Please note: From now on Perception will distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in the formula database (analysis). If Perception is unable to assign a channel or calculation, this is indicated by a "warning" (yellow icon). This could happen, for example, if older recordings or workbenches are loaded into the new version 6.42.
Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

10/20136.42.13287216 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

06/20146.50.14146249 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

09/20146.52.14260252 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

02/20156.60.15040308 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

04/20156.62.15105311 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 32-bit

This 32-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

08/20156.70.15224316 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Install this Perception 64-bit software 6.01 only together with GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware 6.01 as well.

03/20096.01.907667 MB
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Install new Perception 64-bit software 6.02 only together with new GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware 6.02 as well.

05/20096.02.914067 MBRelease notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Install new Perception 64-bit software 6.06 only together with new GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware 6.06 as well.

12/20096.06.933777 MBRelease notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Install new Perception 64-bit software only together with new GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware as well. Please make sure to install firmware upgrader first before installing Perception x64.

05/20106.12.1012451 MBRelease notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Perception Enterprise 6.14 includes the instrument firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

12/20106.14.10323141 MBRelease notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Perception Enterprise 6.16 includes the instrument firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

03/20116.16.11067148 MBRelease notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Perception Enterprise 6.18 includes the instrument firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

10/20116.18.11291147 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Note: Perception Enterprise 6.20 includes the instrument firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

03/20126.20.12083172 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Please note that Perception 6.30 contains breaking changes in the CSI and RPC interfaces. When using CSI or RPC you need to update and recompile your software before you can use it with the new version of Perception. Refer to the CSI and RPC help files for more information.
Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

11/20126.30.12297205 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Please note that Perception 6.30 contains breaking changes in the CSI and RPC interfaces. When using CSI or RPC you need to update and recompile your software before you can use it with the new version of Perception. Refer to the CSI and RPC help files for more information.
Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

12/20126.30.12335205 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Please note: From now on Perception will distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters in the formula database (analysis). If Perception is unable to assign a channel or calculation, this is indicated by a "warning" (yellow icon). This could happen, for example, if older recordings or workbenches are loaded into the new version 6.42.
Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

10/20136.42.13287217 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

06/20146.50.14146253 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

09/20146.52.14260256 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

02/20156.60.15040312 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

Please also note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

04/20156.62.15105315 MBRelease Notes
Perception Software 64-bit

This 64-bit version of Perception includes "Full install", "Offline install" and "Free viewer install" - each installation with own set of features.

The Free viewer version of Perception software can be used free of charge.

Please note: Perception now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems.

08/20156.70.15224320 MBRelease Notes
Dimension4i Firmware 11/20092.10.924563 MBRelease notes
GEN DAQ Series Firmware

Note: Install this GEN DAQ firmware 6.01 only together with Perception software 6.01 as well.

03/20096.01.90765 MB
GEN DAQ Series Firmware

Note: Install new GEN DAQ firmware 6.02 only together with new Perception software 6.02 as well.

05/20096.02.91406 MBRelease notes
GEN DAQ Series Firmware

Note: Install new GEN DAQ firmware 6.06 only together with new Perception software 6.06 as well.

12/20096.06.93376 MBRelease notes
GEN DAQ Series Firmware

Note: Install new GEN DAQ firmware only together with new Perception software as well.

05/20106.12.101247 MBRelease notes
GEN DAQ Series Firmware

Note: Install new GEN DAQ firmware only together with new Perception software as well.

06/20106.12.101677 MBRelease notes
GEN DAQ Series Firmware

Note: Install new GEN DAQ firmware only together with new Perception software as well.

09/20106.12.102596 MBRelease notes
Patch for GN610/611 (1kV boards) DC offset in channels after changing timebase settings

The bugfix can be applied by running the installer as found in the download link above.
Please follow the instructions in the PDF linked below.

01/201427 MBTechNote
LIBERTY Series Firmware

Note: Install this LIBERTY firmware 6.01 only together with Perception software 6.01 as well.

03/20096.01.90764 MB
LIBERTY Series Firmware

Note: Install new LIBERTY firmware 6.02 only together with new Perception software 6.02 as well.

06/20096.02.91404 MBRelease notes
LIBERTY Series Firmware

Note: Install new LIBERTY firmware 6.06 only together with new Perception software 6.06 as well.

Note: When upgrading from 6.0x to 6.06 please also see the Information below.

12/20096.06.93374 MBRelease notes
LIBERTY Series Firmware

Note: Install new LIBERTY firmware only together with new Perception software as well.
Note: When upgrading from 6.0x to 6.06 please also see the Information below.

05/20106.12.101244 MBRelease notes
Perception Software

Note: Install this Perception software 6.01 only together with GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware 6.01 as well.

03/20096.01.907666 MB
Perception Software

Note: Install new Perception software 6.02 only together with new GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware 6.02 as well.

05/20096.02.914066 MBRelease notes
Perception Software

Note: Install new Perception software 6.06 only together with new GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware 6.06 as well.

12/20096.06.933777 MBRelease notes
Perception Software

Note: Install new Perception software only together with new GEN DAQ or LIBERTY firmware as well.

05/20106.12.1012451 MBRelease notes
Perception Software

Note: Perception 6.14 now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

12/20106.14.10323141 MBRelease notes
Perception Software

Note: Perception 6.16 now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

03/20116.16.11067148 MBRelease notes
Perception Software

Note: Perception 6.18 now includes the instruments firmware. That means it no longer requires an additional download of the firmware for the GEN DAQ systems and LIBERTY.

10/20116.18.11291147 MBRelease Notes
PNRF Reader Toolkit - Training material

PNRF Reader Training notes as PDF

09/2013118 KBNotes PNRF Reader Training
LIBERTY Series Firmware

Note: Install new LIBERTY firmware 6.06 only together with new Perception software 6.06 as well.

Note: When upgrading from 6.0x to 6.06 please also see the Information below.

01/20106.06.10027 SP14 MBRelease notes
Perception CSI c# Sheet template for Visual Studio

This file is used to add a CSI c# Perception Sheet template to Visual Studio. See the CSI User manual for more details.

08/201415 KB