Data Security in the Virtual Space Data Security in the Virtual Space | HBM

Data Security in the Virtual Space

The Industrial Internet of Things is based on communication — between machine, man and object. However, networking also opens up completely new possibilities for hackers. Cyber security strategies for data security in the virtual space address this challenge.

Cyber Security is a Challenge

The Industrial Internet of Things offers new opportunities to hackers permanently. They collect sensitive information, block business and administrative processes or enrich themselves at the expense of others. Cyber security is key to turning digitization into a success. However, a number of challenges must be overcome to ensure security in the virtual space.

Cyber security begins with companies becoming aware of the fact that they are a potential target for hackers. Subsequently, all networked systems must be protected—both in production and in the office space. Companies need to continuously improve their security systems to be prepared to deal with emerging threats. Ideally, they should use intelligent systems that adapt to changing conditions.
