All pages on stress analysis
MGCplus | Data Acquisition System | DAQ
BAE Systems: Static and Fatigue Tests
Webinar: From Strain to Report Using Strain Gauges
Webinar: How to Choose Strain Gauges for Sensor Design
Monitoring Solutions for the Oil and Gas Industry
Webinar: Strain Gauge Excitation
Webinar: Calculate a Strain Gauge's Excitation Voltage
Webinar: Optical Fibre Sensors Unveiled
Optical Fiber Sensors Unveiled – How These Sensors Will F
Webinar: Measurements at High Strain Levels
Webinar: Durability Testing On High Tensile Materials
Webinar: Get the Most out of Your Optical Interrogator
Webinar: Hole-Drilling Residual Stress Measurements
Webinar: Optical & Electrical Test & Measuring Equipment
Webinar: Temperature Compensation of Strain Gauges
Strain measurements play key role when Bromma develops ne
Quality testing of a pipe for the oil industry (IRIS Inst
Webinar: Fatigue and Durability Testing
Webinar: How to Reduce Measurement Uncertainty
FACC: Testing the winglets of the Airbus A350XWB with HBM
Webinar: Minimize Measurement Uncertainty of Strain Gauge
Webinar: Understanding the Wheatstone Bridge
Webinar: Protecting Strain Gauge Measuring Points
Webinar: Residual Stress Analysis
Webinar: Strain Gauge Specifications
HBK promotes the advance of strain measurements
Iron Gate Dam: Measuring the efficiency of turbine blades
Monitoring Solutions for Bridge Structural Measurements
Video: How does an Electrical Strain Gauge Work?
Reliably determining forces and moments on wind turbines
MGCplus | Data Acquisition System | DAQ
Data Acquisition Package for Dynamic Material Tests
The Fatigue Life of Electrical Strain Gauges
Selecting the Right Connection Cables for Strain Gauges
HBK Expert Dialog: Lightweight Structures
Lightweight Structural Integrity Testing
Strukturintegration von Dehnungsmessstreifen
Structural integration of strain gages
Introduzione alla tecnica di misura con gli estensimetri
Eine Einführung in die Technik des Messens mit Dehnungsmessstreifen
Hinweise zur Installation von DMS - Anwendungstipps
Practical Hints for the Installation of Strain Gauges - Instructions for use
Una introducción a la medición mediante bandas extensométricas
All articles (no product pages) on strain gauges
Strain Gauge Installation | How to Install a Strain Gauge
DB Systemtechnik: Measurement technology in railway engineering
Metrological Recording of Deformation Development
Strain gauge installation on fiber-reinforced plastics
UPC: Tests for externally reinforced concrete beams
DB Minden is testing optical strain gauges from HBM
Case Study: Technip: Permanent load monitoring in power s
HBM technology and service for building up the first Germ
RUAG: Full Scale Fatigue Testing with HBM measuring syste
The signals of an electric eel: piezoelectric power gener
Capturing data makes bridges last longer
Strain gages in a wind tunnel application
Koenig & Bauer AG: printing presses
Webinar: QuantumX MX1615 - A Universal Bridge Amplifier
Webinar: From Strain to Report Using Strain Gauges
Video: How to Find the Right Strain Gauge
How to work with strain gauges in catman AP
Top-quality steel in rolling mills at SKF
High Octane: torque in the power train of a racing car
PTB: Energy-Saving Coffee Production
Webinar: Strain Gauge Excitation
Webinar: Calculate a Strain Gauge's Excitation Voltage
FFS: Optimized ski cross performance
Tips for a faster strain gauge installation
Strukton: Monitoring changes in the soil characteristics
Holmenbrua: Analyzing the carrying capacity
Minesto: Power from tidal and ocean currents
University Bologna: Formula SAE/Student
Webinar: Measurements at High Strain Levels
University of Palermo: Study of Sailing Yacht
Webinar: Tips and Tricks for Using Strain Gauges
Webinar: Temperature Compensation of Strain Gauges
Strain measurements play key role when Bromma develops ne
Quality testing of a pipe for the oil industry (IRIS Inst
Plant safety monitoring at EDF
Measurement Uncertainty | Experimental Stress Analysis
Webinar: Fatigue and Durability Testing
FACC: Testing the winglets of the Airbus A350XWB with HBM
Webinar: Minimize Measurement Uncertainty of Strain Gauge
Webinar: Understanding the Wheatstone Bridge
step-1: Test and Measuring Equipment in Racing Cars
Webinar: Optimize Structures with Asset Health Monitoring
Webinar: Protecting Strain Gauge Measuring Points
Webinar: Structural Health Monitoring on Wind Turbines
Webinar: Residual Stress Analysis
Webinar: Strain Gauge Specifications
New Printed Circuit Board (PCB) Test Kit
Temperature Compensation of Strain Gauges
TECHNOLAS Perfect Vision: Development of Eye Lasers
HENT: Monitoring ensures safety of Holmestrand station
How Does a Strain Gauge Work? | What is a Strain Gauge?
Webinar: From Strain to Lifetime
Iron Gate Dam: Measuring the efficiency of turbine blades
Siemens: Loads on Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations
Installation of Strain Gauges on Concrete Surfaces
What is a Strain Gauge Rosette?
Reliably determining forces and moments on wind turbines
Webinar: Precise Weighing in Your Packaging Machine
New Online Guide on Strain Measurement
How Does RoHS 3 Affect Sensor and Transducer Suppliers?
Jaw Crusher from Terex® MPS in Road Test - with SomatXR
Strain Gauge Lead-Free Soldering Techniques
The Impact of Spot Welded Strain Gauges to Steel Material
GreenMot: Development of Custom Systems for Engine Tests
University of Siegen: Material Tests for Research Project
The Optical and Electrical Strain Gauge Technology
Outlining Foil Strain Gauges: Technology and Types
How to Bond a Strain Gauge into a Bolt
How to Wire a Bolt Strain Gauge
Strain Gauge Installation Videos
The Fatigue Life of Electrical Strain Gauges
Selecting the Right Connection Cables for Strain Gauges
QuantumX Integration in ZwickRoell Testing Machine