QuantumX MX430B - 力,扭矩,压力测量高精度放大器 QuantumX MX430B - 力,扭矩,压力测量高精度放大器 | HBM

QuantumX MX430B: 高精度,极高的抗干扰能力

MX430B 是 QuantumX 家族成员之一。其提供4个高精度测量通道,用于连接应变全桥传感器,例如 单轴,多轴力传感器, 扭矩传感器 和 压力传感器. HBM 为高效测量提供完整的测量链:高精度传感器,QuantumX MX430B 测量放大器和 合适的软件

高精度力和扭矩测量时非常关键的,尤其是在风洞中进行汽车,飞机运动设备的动平衡测试中。MX430B 同样适合其他要求高精度,高可靠的测试台,例如火箭或飞机重心的测定,机身或负载测试分析等。放大器结构紧凑,便于携带,因此也非常适合设备与传感器的标定。


  • 4 个应变全桥输入,最小精度高达 100 ppm
  • 极高的重复性,适合长期测量
  • 采用载频技术,具有极高的抗电磁干扰和温度波动能力



  • , 扭矩 和 压力 精确验证
  • 静态和动态测量
  • 分布式, 布线成本低
  • 直流或载频供电



  • 便于携带,适合用于设备与传感器的标定服务
  • TEDS 技术,可以快速,可靠地更换传感器
  • 采用可选滤波电压 (+/- 10 V)输出, EtherCAT (CX27B), CAN (MX471B)
  • 可靠的软件支持


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QuantumX MX430B CAD step files
QuantumX MX430B Accessories CAD step files


QuantumX MX430B - 數據表 Chinese
QuantumX MX430B - Data Sheet English
QuantumX MX430B - Datenblatt German
QuantumX - 小冊 Chinese
QuantumX - Brochure English
QuantumX - Brochure (US-Version) English (US)
QuantumX - Broschüre German
QuantumX - Folheto Portuguese
QuantumX - ブローシャー Japanese
HBM Common API - User Manual English
HBM LabVIEW Driver - User Manual English
QuantumX - 操作說明 Chinese
QuantumX - 設置マニュアル Japanese
QuantumX - Bedienungsanleitung German
QuantumX - Operating Manual English
QuantumX CANape Driver - Operating Manual English, German
QuantumX CANbus - Operating Manual English, German
QuantumX / SomatXR - Uninterruptible Power Supply - Data Sheet English
QuantumX / SomatXR - Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung - Datenblatt German
QuantumX BPX001/BPX002/BPX003 Backplane - Information English, German
QuantumX BPX002-SIDE Desktop-Kit – Information English, German
QuantumX case clips (CASECLIP) - Istruzioni di montaggio Italian
QuantumX case clips (CASECLIP) - Mounting Instructions English
QuantumX SCM-SG120/350/700/1000 - Quarter Bridge Adapter English, German
Declaration of Conformity
1-KAB, K-KAB (cable)- 符合性聲明 多语言
QuantumX - EU Declaration of Conformity 多语言
QuantumX - Product Type Pattern Approval Russia 2012 Russian
QuantumX - Product-Type Pattern Approval Russia 2017 Russian
Tech Notes
TECH NOTE - Analog to Digital Data Path in QuantumX Modules

This TECH NOTE describes in general the digitalization path in QuantumX data acquisition modules, explaining anti-aliasing filter, analog to digital conversion, digital filtering, scaling, datarate and distribution of data within the data acquisition system or to a data sink whether this is a storage medium or gateway.

TECH NOTE - IEEE1588:2008 Precision Time Protocol in Data Acquisition and Testing

This TECH NOTE explains the highly accurate time sync mechanism Precision Time Protocol or short PTP, its advantages and its use in Test & Measurement applications.

TECH NOTE - IEEE1588:2008 PTPv2-Switches and Grandmaster Clocks

This TECH NOTE shows available and tested PTP components together with HBM equipment and can be used as reference source giving you some recommendations.

TECH NOTE - QuantumX MX430B Precision Bridge Module: real-time functionality

This TECH NOTE describes the real-time functionality of the QuantumX MX430B Precision Bridge Module.

TECH NOTE - QuantumX und Mehr-Komponenten-Aufnehmer

Diese TECH NOTE behandelt die Kompensation von Querabhängigkeiten (Englisch: cross-talk) und damit den Einfluss parasitärer Effekte auf die jeweilige Messgröße. Die Kompensation dieses sogenannten Übersprechens kann in Echtzeit mit der HBM Messtechnik QuantumX oder online in der Software catmanEasy erfolgen.

TECH NOTE: Using WLAN in large scale measurement and telemetry applications

This Tech Note describes why WLAN is one of the most suitable wireless network technologies for large scale measurement and telemetry applications. It will show its potential, advantages and challenges, as well as how it’s already used in real life applications.


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